We strongly believe that cinema is actually the face of society where it exposes the truth of society (bad/good) in front of audience on screens.

Samaj Ka Aaina is formed with a mission to present the real life through the cinema and with a vision that any cinema can be the real face of society by bringing the real life stories/concerns along with entertainment in front of society.

Our Team

Surya Prakash Rai , CEO and Founder
Surya Prakash Rai , CEO and Founder

                                    About Us

SAMAJ KA AAINA team closely watches almost everything happening in the society and try to analyze these issues that how they are  affecting the society .We take up these kind of issues and with the help of same we try to create movie/script so that movie can convey a useful message to society along with entertainment.


                                                         We are yet to give our first best real life based movie with a message on screen


Surya Prakash Rai
CEO and Founder
Email : spr.iiit@gmail.com